The data we display comes from integration with the hospital’s EMR or from manual data entry.

Development process

The ODS product squad meets regularly to

  • Share knowledge and findings
  • Strategize about current requirements & how to provide them
  • Provide feedback on current plans, specifications, and ideas
  • Work together to provide a valuable product for our customers and their patients

Every decision we make is informed and validated by input from pilot users, research participants, and subject matter experts.

User research efforts

I was directly involved in all user research efforts for the entirely of my tenure. Together with the user research manager we studied the following and more:

  • How cancer is diagnosed
  • How cancer data is generated
  • What are biomarkers and how are they used; how do users want biomarkers to be displayed
  • Given that the software needs the user to input relationship mapping, how can we ask them to do that in a way that is not difficult or obtrusive or hard to understand.
  • Progressive studies on iterations of patient journey views
  • How do doctors and nurses use the data generated for patients today
  • How are tumor board meetings conducted and what data is presented
  • Of all the data generated for each patient, what is the most important, and why

Patient Journey

Shows the patient’s tests, results, diagnoses, biomarkers, and responses arranged on an interactive timeline.

For this view I performed a complete UX redesign including all research and formulating research into a single design system and atom-based rules system for displaying data.

Original design
my redesign project

Patient Summary

A one-page summary of all available data for each patient.

For this page I worked on:

  • standardizing the ways that individual data points are interacted with by adding a flexible hover menu
  • introduced "starring" system to allow user to curate important & useful content for each patient
  • introduced tabular formats and ways of accessing them for data that user wants to consume in tabular format
  • developed system for managing realistic patient data in figma to ensure accurate and useful feedback from target users

Data collection

Data collection facts

Data flows into the interface through integration or through data entry (assisted abstraction) depending on the hospital’s set up.

Data collection is centered around “Structured data lists” which means a collection of form fields for each major report type and area of medical interest 

Data we receive through integration is also displayed using these forms

Data collection design process

  • I interviewed  subject matter experts and data architects to determine the proper content and structure of each form
  • Designed the form inside the form repository
  • Seek out feedback from stakeholders for changes & corrections
  • Make changes as feedback is received

Content management system

I invented a system for managing the dozens of SDLs by breaking them down into small, repeating units that are all constructed the same way to ensure interoperability & correct structures.

Form units in Figma design system document